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The Davis method for the correction of AD(H)D is described in detail in the book ‘The Gift of Learning‘, by Ron Davis.

Davis® Attention Mastery Programme

The Davis® Attention Mastery programme provides the clients with powerful internal tools they can use to self-regulate their attention focus and energy levels. The programme is effective in both children and adults allowing them to work and study without reliance on medication commonly prescribed for ADHD. These tools include:

Orientation or Alignment

Davis Facilitators use several mental focusing techniques, including Davis® Orientation Counselling, Davis Alignment and Davis Auditory Orientation, to enable clients to exercise control over their perceptions and mental focus.

Davis® Dial-Setting

Dial-setting is a technique used to enable clients to become aware of their own energy level, and to develop sensitivity to the energy levels of others around them. With this tool, clients can develop the ability to regulate their own energy levels so that they are appropriate to different settings.

Davis® Concept Mastery

Davis providers also use clay modelling to explore concepts such as ‘self’, ‘change’, ‘consequence’, ‘time’, ‘sequence’, and ‘order/disorder’, to help their clients to manage their own behaviour and understand its impact on others.
The Davis approach to ADHD is described in-depth in the book The Gift of Learning, by Ron Davis.

Davis® – a drug-free approach

Licensed Davis Facilitators will not usually work with clients taking medication commonly prescribed for ADHD, such as Ritalin, Strattera, or Concerta. This is because those medications generally interfere with the individual’s ability to learn and to apply the mental focusing techniques that are integral to the Davis program.

Anyone who wants to end their reliance on medication and take responsibility for their behaviour and learning must be motivated to do so. If the client decides to stop taking medication, they should consult with their doctor to make sure that this is done safely. It is important to tell the facilitator about any medication the client is taking so that they are aware of the possible influence of these substances.

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